产品名称:巴固PHD6™ 密闭空间多气体检测仪
·Monitors up to six atmospheric hazards simultaneously
·Sensors available for oxygen, combustible gas, volatile organic compounds, and several different toxic gases
·Optional Photo Ionization (PID) sensor available for the detection of VOCs
·Optional IR sensors available for the detection of CO2 or CH4
·Built-in blackbox data recorder and datalogging option provides a record of atmospheric conditions during operation
·Optional screw-on pump with automatic leak test and low flow alarm
·Compatible with the IQ6™ Docking System
>> 一站式劳保用品批发&安全设备检测服务提供商,10年专注, 10年专注,全系列,现货,正品,专业,平价
只要您致电上海畅为,我们将以优惠的价格为您提供适合的巴固PHD6™ 密闭空间多气体检测仪 产品!在您成功下单后,在为您提供巴固PHD6™ 密闭空间多气体检测仪产品的同时,上海畅为将为您提供光学检测仪器等相关产品的技术支持和售后服务,请您放心购买!