产品名称:巴固 1011142/1011146 Clarity™系列人声传递耳罩
巴固 1011142/1011146 Clarity™系列人声传递耳罩,运用先进的声音管理系统确保噪声防护下有效沟通。
·头带型 Headband - C1,C2,C3
·Uniform attenuation allows wearer to hear co-workers, instructions and other important sounds more naturally while blocking outharmful noise
·Does not isolate worker from environment, improves overall safety especially in environments where communication is critical
·Convenient folding design for easy storage
·Belt storage case available separately
·Insulation design, can be used in electricity environment
·Three different level products meet various demands
订货号 Ref.
10 111 46 C3 27 NRR
10 111 45 C2 23 NRR
10 111 42 C1 20 NRR
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只要您致电上海畅为,我们将以优惠的价格为您提供适合的巴固 1011142/1011146 Clarity™系列人声传递耳罩 产品!您成功下单后,在为您提供巴固 1011142/1011146 Clarity™系列人声传递耳罩产品的同时,上海畅为将为您提供耳罩等相关产品技术支持和售后服务,请您放心购买!